Lesbenfruhlingstreffen 2008

Jarní lesbické setkání v Drážďanech

Lesbenfruhlingstreffen 2008
Na náš drbní mail přišla pozvánka na velké lesbické setkání na jaře 2008 (víkend + pondělí 10. – 12. května). Uskuteční se v prostorách Technické univerzity v Drážďanech a na programu jsou debaty, workshopy, filmy… Pořadatelé shání přednášející (ideálně lesby s přímými žitými zkušenostmi) především z ČR a Polska, které by byly ochotny pohovořit o životě leseb ve střední a východní Evropě – o tom, jaká mají a nemají práva, s čím se potýkají na každodenní i politické rovině. Setkání končí v pondělí 12. května po poledni.
Karin (pořadatelka) dále píše, že pokud by někdo byl ochoten zúčastnit se a vystoupit, pořadatelé uhradí náklady na cestu, vyzvednou účastníky na nádraží, zařídí ubytování zdarma… Prostě si vás budou hýčkat, když se zúčastníte!

Dále přikládám oba maily (dva proto, že jsem se po prvním ptala, zda mají nějaké webové stránky…).
Pokud byste měly/i zájem, pište na Haase.Katrin@arcor.de (Katrin Haase).

We are organizing the so called \"Lesbenfruhlingstreffen 2008\" (lesbians meet in spring) which will take place in Dresden over the Pentecost weekend in 2008 and that intends to offers a wide variety of workshops and cultural events headed by the slogan: Embraced by Europe - Lesbians everywhere.

We are inviting lesbians from all over Germany and Europe to come and join us at a festival which celebrates the love of life and offers a platform for exchange and establishing contacts. We are expecting approximately 900 participants. Since our slogan reflects our agenda, the main focus of our day program will be on lesbian life in Eastern Europe and the issues they have to confront. Lectures, workshops, and circles of relaxed conversations are meant to provide insight into and room for discussion about the situation of lesbians, their rights, political topics, as well as the lesbian movement especially in the Czech Republic and Poland.

For this reason, we would be pleased to win speakers who would conduct several workshops dealing with these subjects and we are hoping for a positive response.

Yours sincerely,Katrin

Our homepage: www.lesbenfruehling.de/dresden2008
but unfortunaly it is only in german - the english-version is still not all right.

So here further informations:

The LFT festival will take place in seminar rooms of the Technical University Dresden (Technische Universität Dresden) and will start with a welcome assembly at 9:30 am on Saturday, 10 May. On Friday, 9 May, a short evening programme will already take place: movies, a literature café. On Saturday afternoon a demonstration will take place, which everyone will be asked to join (During this time no workshop will take place). Each workshop time block lasts for 1 ½ hours.
In the evenings (Sat $ Sun) there'll be concerts, disco and a carabet act. The festival will end with a farewell asssembly at around 1 pm on Monday, 12 May. For further information please also check our programme, a copy of which we would like to send you as soon as it is completed.
We will of course accept your travel costs (100€). We will meet you at the station, if you want that. Additionally, you will receive your festival ticket for free and 50 euro for a second workshop. If needed, we'd be happy to provide free accomodation.
If you have any further questions, please contact us. We would be highly pleased by a positive reply.

best wishes,

Anna Jančaříková (2007-11-16 22:20:17)

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